Friday, March 30, 2012

Power of a set and interactions

Two important and related concepts to grasp some of the complexity of the world of people and other sentient beings are
      • the power of a set
      • interactions

Take a family of four: Mom, Dad, Boy, Girl, which is a set of 4 elements.  The power of a set is a number, equal to 2 raised to the power or exponent of the number of elements.  So, 2 to the fourth power (2x2x2x2) = 16.  Logically and mathematically, a family of 4 has 16 subsets, or selections we can make from the family.

Selections of 4 elements (1) Mom, Dad, Boy, Girl
Selections of 3 (omit each) (4) Mom,Dad,Boy
Mom, Dad, Girl
Mom and the kids
Dad and the kids
Selections of 2 ((n x n-1)/2) (6) Mom, Dad
Mom, Boy
Mom, Girl
Dad, Boy
Dad, Girl
Boy, Girl
Selections of 1 (4) Mom

But that only sums to 15, not 16.  The missing possible selection is NONE, all rejected.

The reason interactions come into the subject is that people interact.  That is, Mom and Dad are not quite the same when they are alone together or when they are with one of the kids or with the other or with both.  Similarly, the kids, for instance, feel and think and behave differently when with Mom from when they are with Dad.  If the couple has another child, the total number of relations DOUBLES, since we have all those listed above plus having them all again with the extra child added.

You can imagine the complexity of feelings, conversations and observations when a whole state or nation is involved!

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