Tuesday, September 3, 2024


I have been writing Fear, Fun and Filoz since 2008.  It is fun sometimes to get an idea for a blog post, look up terms related to the idea and see what I have written before, if anything.  I have been meaning to write about "40,000 jobs" and I looked that up.  As I suspected, I did write about that here: https://fearfunandfiloz.blogspot.com/search?q=40%2C000+jobs

The search term "40,000 jobs" refers to a government publication called "Handbook of Occupational Titles".  When my class of mostly elementary education teachers-to-be discussed getting teaching jobs years ago, some students expressed fear that they were doomed unless they got a teaching job.  I asked a counselor from the campus career counseling office to come and talk about jobs, getting employment and being a college graduate.  The counselor mentioned the Handbook and her talk made me realize that what one thinks of the 'world of work' can be strongly related to the size and nature of the location of one's childhood.  

Personally, I searched quite a bit through my memories and feelings to see what about ME seemed to be a clue about a sort of work that I could do and do happily for a long time.  Teaching 5th grade and undergraduate and graduate courses was close to what seemed I could maintain interest for.  I do understand that a complex modern world has far more types of work needs than I know about.  I also realized from my students that there is far more to a talented, educated young person than most of them realize.