What education?
The other day, I listed seven decisions that had a major effect on my life. Other experiences were also influential for sure, but these were strong influencers, although I didn't realize it at the time. The first one was in 8th grade when I was choosing a foreign language I would study. Choosing Latin had influences and consequences I certainly didn't know about. Thinking about what led to major decisions and what followed from them was assisted by searching for related words in my blog. As I consider various angles of major life decisions that pointed me in this or that direction, I find that notes and reflections about my education ten or so years ago often come as surprises that I would not have recalled without the written notes and blog entries.
These surprises interest me both personally and professionally. I attended public Baltimore schools for 12 years, teacher's college for 4 years, graduate school for 3 years and taught at UWSP for 37 years. Notes, just like old photos, often remind me of studies, knowledge, experiences that I had that I would have had no reason to recall, ever. Yet, when I do, I remember pleasures of discovery and comprehension that I had, and often still have in my head. This is similar to discussions with my wife who recalls various memories that I too recall but only with her prompts and remarks.
One of many difficulties with studying a person's education and its effects is the powerful but unconscious mind that we have breathing in us, digesting our food, forming impressions, all in secret but powerful influence. The weekly questions my daughter bought for me from Storyworth sometimes do similar things.
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