Wednesday, December 20, 2023


You know how it is these days: More publications and ideas, in paper and the media, or on the internet or in talking to friends and relatives come your way.  Each person  or group that creates a message tries to take an exciting angle for the headline or listing.  Plus, the world of people, volcanoes,diseases furnishes a context for danger, excitement, surprise.  Eager writers search for angles that stir, frighten, generally hook readers.  Are you in danger for that other group?  From geological forces?  From new oppressive laws?  Have you gotten your vaccinations?  Etc., etc., etc.

You have a wife, and kids, and grandkids and they can all pick up worries and fears while you are doing your share of that, too.

We are doing all sorts of things to try to stay on top of the situation.  We have factcheckers and faster verification of the contents of documents than even our recent predecessors had, but it is difficult to verify the facts and then verify the quality of the verifiers.