Monday, December 18, 2023


Like most things, exercise can be overdone or underdone.  Walking the neighborhood with friends is gentle and fun and doesn't stress us overly even though I fell twice recently. I like walking and it feels helpful and healthy.  Still, today is Dec. 18 and the 21st is the beginning of winter.  We have been getting temperatures that are warmish for this time of year.  Today is a bit different.  The temperature has been colder: 20° instead of 40° but far more important for a walker is the wind.  I had just gotten to an easy shortcut when a cold, forceful burst came along. That blast convinced me to take the shortcut.  Walking starts with my back to the wind but returning puts me facing it.  It is a fairly short walk back home from there but the wind is persuasive to hustle along.  I have been meaning to get my heart beat up beyond walking speed and the stationary bike is just the thing for that.  You know, the bike inside the nice warm, no-wind house.  As I write this, I am glowing with health.