Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Made an immediate difference

I complained to a nurse practitioner that I was feeling weird.  She immediately suggested I try to drink 50 oz. of water a day.  That was on June 9 of this year.  I have been drinking 50 oz. of water a day in addition to normal coffee and tea besides.  The internet said that what I drink in coffee and tea counts as hydration unless I drink a whole lot of caffeinated beverages.  I don't.  Within a day, additional water gave clearly noticeable additional good feeling.  Made a quick, notable difference.

Yesterday, I was reading about stretching for health, especially at older ages. Baz Thompson and Steve Donovan's books for older people said that stretches should be held at the stretch position for 30 seconds.  I thought reaching a good stretch for a second or two was the aim. A local showed me a good stretch at the edge of a bed or chair to give my muscles some loosening and stop having a sore back.Yesterday and today, I held the stretches for "one ten thousand, two ten thousand" up to 30 ten thousand.  What a difference!  I'm doing 30 counted seconds from now on.