Thursday, November 9, 2023

Let's be "correct"

I have a varied background and I often question what I am told is "correct".  That goes double for etiquette.  Lynn told me about this Facebook page and that is not serious.  I didn't see the article but she told me about it.

I set our dinner table at least every other night and I do place plates for each of us much the way this shows.  We normally have only three pieces of dinnerware each, knife (right), fork (on the left) and spoon on the right, as shown.

I had dinnerware for Scout hikes and the fork was a notable pain.  It was utterly flat, not the current curve. A flat fork slid right out of things and didn't pick them up!. I read about the fork front/back curve and its development over time.  I also read of predictions that men would use knives and sharp-tined forks to hurt each other in the 1400's when people began to place such things on the table but I haven't seen much of that these days.