Thursday, November 2, 2023

I have seen (or read) that already

It is true that a book you read has not changed since you read it but you have.  The longer ago you read it, the more you have changed.  So, if you have a list of books or movies that you have read or seen, you might enjoy looking over them again.  My most fun (for me) course ever was a graduate course called "Personal Reading for Professional Development".  The students had only one assignment: Make a list of all the books you have ever read, from "The Pokey Little Puppy" to the one you are currently reading.

You might want to re-read some of them.  You might be surprised at your reaction now compared to the reaction you remember having back then.  

Education graduate students are experienced teachers and fun to work with. Many were older than I was.

The same goes for movies.  My experience has been that between Netflixs 

and Amazon, if you are streaming, you can see a surprising range of movies.