Language, a single language such as English, is always changing. That language is always changing is something of a motto of the language professor John McWhorter. I have listened to a couple of McWhorter's audio books and read some of his print ones. When we watch a 20 year old movie, especially if it involves the lives of young adults, we often hear language that has changed or gone out of use or come into use or a new use.
I wrestled in high school and college. That was 7 years of the sport. All of those years, my wrestling matches consisted of three periods. The first I faced my opponent for three to five minutes with both of us on our feet, circling around, looking for a good chance to lunge at him and wrestle him to the mat. The other two periods we started in a special position.
In the 2nd period, one wrestler is in the lower position and in the last, the other wrestler gets the lower position.
So, when my wife says it is "takedown", I am surprised. She doesn't wrestle!! Then, I remember: she means this day and the next few, artists in her "Q Gallery" group are going to take down the work they have been exhibiting and put up new pieces.
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