Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Post #5023

I started blogging March 29, 2008.  Like many things, it has evolved.   I started as advocated for meditative practice.  Meditation can be practiced in many ways.  As a faculty member working with the UWSP School of Education Block 1, I thought the evidence for benefits was strong enough that college students who were about to practice teach would for a semester find a few minutes of daily meditation beneficial.  Over time, I was not surprised to find more and more books, articles, videos on YouTube and other places.  I was neither highly experienced in meditation nor explicitly trained.  There were better sources, such as Jack Kornfield, Sylvia Borstein, Larry Rosenberg and Herbert Benson.

Given my personality and my education, I haven't been attracted to high priced courses, or camps to get me into meditation or improve what I do when I meditate.  Neither have I been attracted to rigorous approaches such as waking at 3 AM and meditating until 11 PM, even with walking breaks.  The activity of meditating was begun 4000 years ago by people with little money or education.

When I saw the outpouring of books and other tools, I thought it might be valuable to write daily and it has been.