Having Dr. Lenore Susan Kirby as a partner
She turns 84 years old today. It has been a pleasure to be married to her to her for 63 years. That is long enough and a large enough portion of our lives, both mine and hers, that I have really been able to experience her personality and her judgment. I didn't know that she would create two children, become a fulltime graduate student and end with a PhD. I didn't know that she would lead us to trying out life at the University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse and that over time, we would move back to Point, liking the faculty at the U of W - Stevens Point and the town of Point better than LaCrosse. She developed skill in creating and criticizing web sites and web pages, which helped me as I ran distance ed classes where I never met the students.
I kid her that she is always right. She is an imaginative and careful thinker. Plus, her memory is better than mine.
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