Thursday, June 1, 2023

Keeping communications current

You wouldn't put a sign on your lawn that says"Car for sale" and leave it there after the car has been sold.  Yet, people forget they have signs on the internet that get out of date and fail to update or remove them.  I realize that many businesses use a Facebook page for the main ad about their business.  Duckduckgo says in a query that 3 million businesses advertise on Facebook but I don't know how many advertise only on FB.

When I last checked Google offered about 250 services and products, including "Sites", the service I use for my two web sites. I can certainly understand that a busy small business owner might forget about online advertising, including hours, features and prices that have since been changed.  Both of my sites and my blog are available from Google for free.  If you have a business or an organization, such as a bowling team or a knitting group and you have online information, don't forget to check it periodically to see that the information is current.

If you, your business or organization is in a position to do so, it might be handy to appoint someone to keep an eye on internet communications related to the business and notify others when there is a change and the text or information out there is no longer correct.