Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Spreading beyond humans

I sometimes hear that humans have language and that is a tremendous advantage.  I agree and much of my life is about speaking/listening to speech and reading/writing written words.  I think speech developed among humans long before writing, although making meaningful marks goes back a surprisingly long way.

I guess no animal can speak in the human sense of doing so as well as a parrot can.  Lynn showed me a short video clip on Facebook of a parrot speaking over an open phone line to another parrot.  Very impressive and thought-provoking to me.  I use Facetime and Zoom to see and talk to people far away.  Maybe parrots are going to start doing the same thing.  I guess, for now, they need human help but who knows what's ahead?  Think of Alexa, Siri and Cortana.  

I googled "Can parrots use Alexa?"  (https://www.google.com/search?q=can+parrots+use+Alexa)  I guess some parrots have ordered themselves treats with Alexa's help.  My wife uses Siri, another voice-based assistant, to search with Google.  I haven't seen frightened comments about dark and frightening future events featuring wi-fi technology and other species but I suspect that many animals don't like the deal they have been getting from humans and their habits and their habitats.  

If some experimenters record commands and make a mechanism for animals to play the recordings, non-speaking animals could send orders, too.   Just something to think about.