I am willing to kill
I figure I weigh more than 600 times his weight. I ought to be able to defeat him. But he has youth, great physical speed and wild instincts on his side. He has better hearing and sense of smell. I met him the other day on the way back from the mailbox. There he was on the doorstep in front of the door into the house, looking like he wanted somebody to open that door and let him in.
He was a fine looking chipmunk. I thought yelling and banging things about, striking a mop handle against various objects would terrify him and send him off in a panic. The garage door was open but he seems reluctant to use it. I chased hither and yon but creeping at the ready with my mop handle at the ready, I spotted him hiding behind some garden tools. I opened the side door and that let in a strong breeze. I thought the breeze might encourage his exit. I tried to hit him with my mop spear but of course, I missed. He took off for the side door and ran into the woods.
Durned if I didn't hear him banging into things again this morning when I went to get the newspaper. The little pain! Again with the side door. I went and got a mouse trap, one of the special kind that is an improvement on the traditional model. It is larger and sensitive over a greater area. Alluring peanut butter in place and the trap is designed to strike if he even tries to sniff the bait. He may be strong enough to carry the trap off with him or wily enough to wiggle out after getting struck. I am willing to keep fighting.
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