Pen and paper handy
With poor hearing, it can be a help to write. Besides, the use of head and hand to make a note can be valuable exercise. We make a shopping list that hangs on the refrigerator and we made a list of new shows we might try on our streaming television.
A person can make many notes on a single 8x11 in. piece of paper. I can fold a single sheet and have it in my pocket. Sometimes, it is possible to borrow a pen or pencil from somebody nearby but I have tried carrying a Palm ballpoint by Bazic. They are much shorter and more compact than other ballpoints.
My main complaint is that the cap is too easily knocked off, possibly inking my pants.
Beyond poor hearing, I experience "senior moments", those times when I cannot recall a name that I know I know. If I wait five or ten minutes, the elusive name often comes to me but who has five or ten minutes? Often a concept I may want to write about is abstract and very forgettable. I have a practice of noting five topics as candidates for the day's blog post. They are often abstract and are quite easily forgotten. I can often forget an idea while searching for paper and pen. I have read that anybody traveling through a doorway increases the chance of forgetting what he is thinking.
My collection of blog posts and my websites serve as helpful repositories of ideas and my history. I have two spiral notebooks of possible blog post topics. I am getting ready to start a third one.