Wednesday, March 29, 2023

plan for a commercial success

I have been reading a great book, "Einstein's Fridge" by Paul Sen.  It has the intriguing subtitle "How Heat and Cold explain the universe".  For quite a few pages, it didn't and then rather suddenly, it more or less did.  Quite a bit of it is about capturing energy.  Since it is clear that Americans, and maybe most adults, dislike waiting and will exert themselves to avoiding having to wait, waiting seems like a possible basis for a commercial success.

I picture three branches of the effort: classes, practice and research.  We will start with classes that explore feelings and memories of waiting.  You remember finding that you weren't old enough and waiting to be.  Talking, walking, driving a car, dating, playing on the team - all those times when you had to wait.  How did waiting make you feel?  Can you wait better now?  How can you improve your waiting?

The 2nd branch of the effort will be the launch of practice rooms.  Of course, the idea emerges to label them "Waiting Rooms" but that label is already taken by doctors, dentists, principals and others.  Maybe "waiting practice rooms" but that is not catchy or memorable enough.  There is some similarity between waiting and meditation.  Also, the Quakers have learned to wait quietly for religious awareness and insights so we might pick up some funding from them, the Religious Society of Friends.

Finally, the research branch will be opened for business.  Of course, the first variable to think of is probably duration.  Who waits the longest time, without talk, smartphones, fidgeting, etc.?  We may purchase sensors to help us track those who wait with the least disturbance and the most quiet.