Monday, March 20, 2023

Ravioli and Happiness

 I think it is interesting that there are astronomical moments that mark our seasons.  I like to look up the moments of the spring and fall equinoxes and the summer and winter solstices.  When I looked up the spring equinox, I found that instead of March 21, the actual moment of the spring equinox this year was 4:24 PM Central Daylight Time today.  Then, I was surprised to learn that today is also "International Happiness Day".

I tried to find days in the calendar that are not already designated to celebrate, commiserate or focus on some theme or other, but so far I have not.  Back in graduate school, our teacher set us a problem that had to do with calendar calculations and in working on it, I found that there are more than 60 calendars in use around the world.  So, it might be international pickle day for you but not for me.  

In addition to multiple calendars, there are many databases, web sites and other sources that name days for themes, causes, remembrances, anniversaries, etc.  Here is a short link, via the Firefox browser, to a Google results page that names some of them:  If you try, you can discover that today is National Ravioli Day, in somebody's opinion.