Thursday, November 17, 2022

Writers and notebooks

I am enjoying the book "Writers and Their Notebooks" by Dianna Raab and others.  I don't feel that way but writers' notebooks can be a really big deal.  A couple of writers said they put more effort into their notebooks than into the manuscript they gave to their publisher.  

I have been paying more attention to my notebook myself but it is for a rather ordinary reason.  I have said for quite a few years that I want to use my blog to be aware of my life.  Some aspects of my life are hard to miss.  Taking a trip to Cuba or Hawaii takes time, money and effort so of course I notice.  My memory seems to be getting more selective and more spotty but I do remember a big thing like a trip involving flights and money and far-off places. But much of the time, what happens to me happens in my mind.  Sometimes, interesting thoughts occur to me more or less out of the blue.  For those sorts of internal experiences, often fleeting and easily forgotten, I can make a note or two that helps me remember the idea or sensation I had.  

Sometimes, what I experience is basically a feeling and it can be helpful to select some words to describe the feeling or its apparent cause or consequence.  I can't write about something without something to write (or draw or describe as a symbol or reminder).  I usually write a daily blog post in the afternoon and post or email it between 1 and 4 or 5 PM.  I enjoy the blog much more if I have a strong idea of something to write about, something I at least momentarily care about.  

I believe in meditation, ranging from a single conscious breath to 10 or 15 minutes.  Some of that activity is usually aimed at noticing the beauty and mystery of being alive and what comes with it for me.  Sharply unpleasant or irritating events, forces or ideas are useful writing focuses, too. I don't feel that my notebook is especially valuable but I am getting old and my memory can be erratic, especially for an idea or impression.  I try to write five notes, each of which may serve as a theme for a post.  Sometimes I have more than five but five is usually enough.