Thursday, November 10, 2022

Dark instruction

I like to use Libby.   An app that is well-constructed and handy for borrowing ebooks for free.  You can go to the app store on your phone or tablet or just visit on a computer or other connected device.  Using that today, I found the book How to Be Miserable by Randy J.Patterson, PhD.  He is a practicing clinical psychologist.  He isn't actually helping people be miserable, of course, but trying to show what can lead to misery that can be stopped or modified.   

One source of difficulty is just pure chance.  Patterson was riding his bike and a car near him hit a deer.  The deer flew into the air and landed on the biker.  At that point, some people say "What are the odds?" but they don't really care what they are.  They are likely asking the ancient question "Why me?"  You know that Job was minding his own business.  In fact, being an outstanding example when the Devil said to God that even such a model man would curse God if enough difficulties befell him.  Deliberate torture and bother of a model citizen ensued.  See?  Don't be too model.

How to be miserable seems to be well-written and if you accept ebooks, you can get your own copy for $8.99 in ebook form or a dollar and a half less if you can wait for used booksellers to mail it to you.