Pursuing Repeat
As I have written, I listen to music in my car while driving. I have what is to me an elaborate audio system and I have by no means mastered all the details of its capabilities and their use. As I listened to Beethoven's 5th, I let the CD repeat. It has been repeating for a couple of years. Sometimes, I want something different and I switch to the iPod that has been repeating "The Elixir of Love" by Donezetti. So, by now, my brain has pretty well memorized the music.
I find that music coming to my mind, unsummoned. When a passage ends, I can hear in my mind the next few notes. So, when I learned somehow of Prof. Elizabeth Margulis's book "On Repeat: How Music Plays the Mind", I was interested. As usual, I first checked Amazon for the book, preferably in Kindle form. They have it but they price it at $37.94.
I could scrape together the next weeks' milk money but I won't. I have gotten into buying too many books, enough that I have little chance of even opening each before I leave this life. So, can I borrow it through the Libby app? No, they haven't heard of the author or the book. I looked up the book in several places, including the campus library. On line, the library looks much like always but the actual building is being torn down and replaced. The librarians have worked rigorously and imaginatively at moving the umpteen different desks, services and collections elsewhere, trying to keep university library functions while the building is closed to patrons.
A couple of days ago, I found a Wisconsin library with a copy so I jumped through hoops and pressed buttons and made the right arrangements. The arrangers said to be on the lookout for an email that said the book was waiting at the campus relocated library. I was and I have the book!