Opera with blowhards
There are many fine operas but I have one that I tend to listen to repeatedly. It is "The Elixir of Love" by Donizetti, which premiered in 1832. There are tunes and arias in it that are fine but I started listening repeatedly for the blowhards. I imagine we can find blowhard, braggards in many forms and flavors but the two featured in this opera are military blowhard and medical scientist blowhard.
I have a recording of the opera being sung in English. First, we have Belcore, who states that as village women eye him, he can "feel your passion growing stronger." He introduces himself, advising the women to "place your heart in my protection". Then, he throws in kicker: "and what's more, I'm a sargeant!" Even I can feel the dazzlement tsunami.
Before we have recovered from the transfixment of the sergeant, we hear trumpets and drums, attention-getting sounds used in 1832 before TV announcements and microphones. This hullabaloo announces the arrival of Dr. Dulcamara. This is a man of knowledge and science, known throughout the universe and "other places" (insert welcoming, understanding, humanizing laugh here).
Various shenanigans, flirtations, rebuffs and strategies are attempted here and there but guess what? It all works out in the end!!
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