Notes on today
It is a windy day, not too windy but cloudy and threatening enough that both walking buddies considered "wimping out." One declined being out and one decided it might be ok. It is 37° now and it has been a gray day with strong bursts of coldish wind. Actually, once I got outside in a knit hat and leather lined gloves, it was fine. Not bad at all but not welcoming either. Definitely looked worse than it was.
There have been professional opinions that this area may experience more snow than usual this winter and it did snow today. That is, snowflakes fell but sparsely and not very densely.
Lynn wants some Sharpie felt-tipped pens but in a medium point, not a fine nor extra-fine version. I looked through four stores and everything was the points she doesn't want. By the time I finished Sharpie shopping, it was past lunchtime. I finished a giant chicken and greens salad left over from yesterday's family dinner in a restaurant.
I like my iPad but I read "Steve Jobs" by Walter Isaacson and I read and have experienced the Apple tightness against accepting much from rival companies. So, I wanted to try a Samsung Galaxy tablet and they were available in various models at our local Best Buy store. I do a bit of emailing daily and the iPad refuses to recognize my Google mailing lists. The more I explore Google apps, the more I respect the whole set and their ability to cooperate with each other and enhance operations.
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