Thursday, July 14, 2022

I command you to halt!

If a leader announces "I am the government" [or boss or chair], he or she may well be engaging in ego brandishing.  Such statements may be high-level bragging.  However, a statement such as Truman's famous "The buck stops here" is meant to announce personal responsibility and taking a stand with clarity and finality.  I respect the strength shown by someone who can be relied on to make clear and useful decisions and plans as opposed to talking around, over and under an issue, pretending to make a decision, talking as though a decision is being announced while slipping in a sufficient number of weasel words that no direction has actually been chosen.  

I gather that one motivation for not being clear about yea or nay is to avoid ever being actually wrong, mistaken, in error.  Never being wrong seems a weak and poor goal to me.  Maybe I personally have been mistaken so often that I feel it is not something to be feared but to be expected.  

Healthy individuals have presence and awareness.  As such, it seems wise and appropriate to know their own powers and responsibilities and not to shy away from them.  Outstanding individuals may also have the ability to recognize their own limitations.  One of the challenges of parenting and teaching is to assist and support while at the same time, leading by following enough to let others use their strengths, daring and insights to make their own way.  When a growing or learning person finds they are emerging in talents and abilities, they grow more capable.  

I remembered the other day about the story of King Canute.  His servants and officers were laying it on thick about his powers and command.  That was when he is said to have ordered his throne to be moved to the edge of the sea.  There, he, the mighty and powerful king, ordered the waves to desist their continuous movement.  They didn't listen one bit to the mighty king but kept up their onslaught.  He was demonstrating that he knew what he could command and what he could not.