A sudden gap
I am surprised at how helpful writing some blog post each day has been. I started writing about meditation, what it means, how to do it and why. Over time, that subject seemed too limited plus excellent books, videos and courses were being created so it seemed clear that I could and should put my attention on other subjects. I have made it a habit to suggest that people start their own regular writing when I have paused this blog.
I found thru the Libby app the book "Writing as a Path to Awakening" by Howard DeSilver. The title alone gives the idea: writing can be helpful in understanding oneself. "Awakening" can be overdone, in my opinion, as a goal but the word, along with appreciation and awareness are often used to explain the value of quiet sessions with oneself to sense and savor the world and life.
I suspect that many people have experienced the sudden gap, the cliff on which one finds oneself standing precariously as soon as the mind understands that words written may be read by friends and foes, by fans and scoffers. If you use WordPress or Blogspot, you can become aware that people all over the world can and do read your words. What can you possibly say to the world? C'mon! Speak!
In the last three months, settings for my blog show:
So in addition to about 100 people that get the blog posts in their inbox, people all over visit the web page: https://fearfunandfiloz.blogspot.com/
I realize that some get there by mistake and quickly leave. But the benefit for me and my brain and my life is independent of the readers' reactions. Noticing what comes to mind to write about, pushing myself lovingly but persistently to settle on a topic, striking the keys to create a post - that's the sort of good that comes to me. As Natalie Goldberg said years ago, the words created are the leftovers - good but after the fact.
In his "Power of Now", Eckhart Tolle advises us to be on the lookout for the next thought that comes to mind. When I start looking out, that sudden gap! Nothing! Just a blank but then the pictures of a parakeet and Abe Lincoln start sneaking in.
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