Take note of headlines, titles and themes
It is easy to hear or read a title without paying much attention to the words used to make it. We know that the title is "just" a name, a reference to a book or movie or essay. However, that title needs to convey a tone, a feeling and that tone can slip into our thinking, into our mood without proper credentials.
I have read and benefited from the words and ideas of both Jack Kornfield and Daniel Siegel. I have read several books by each of those men. But, I imagine that neither of them wrote these words describing an interview that Kornfield has recorded, talking to Siegel. Sounds True says that many of us "are seeking ways to mindfully navigate the trauma and chaos of today".
If you read or watch or listen to the news, you know about murders, shootings, wars and diseases that are causing trouble. These and other forces and problems are causing trauma and chaos. I have not been responsible for writing much description of a program but I see that I can read the underlined words and be swooped into agreement that I can face all sorts of nasty, dangerous and frightening events and forces these days.
Two friends and I created, justified and taught a course "Futures". One of those friends was a historian and he started the project with the question "what is the history of the future?" When he asked it, the question made no sense to me, but he explained that he wanted to know what have speakers, writers, thinkers, etc. said about the future. After working with the course, the friends and students who enrolled, I know that one answer is used often, a major answer, is "the world is about to end!!!" As a somewhat thickheaded, skeptical person, I learned to question the idea.
Really? How do you know?
God told me in a dream last night.
I can just feel it…you know, climate change, hypersonic vacuum bombs, drones in the night, drought. We are never going to get out of this world alive!
Personally, I recommend looking at partners, friends, children and enjoying them. If you have a drink of water or wine, if you have something good to eat, if you have a tv that shows something interesting or fun, enjoy and be at least a bit grateful.
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