Friday, May 20, 2022


My phone is prepaid and I usually spend about $100 a year on it.  The company behind it is big in Mexico but it was recently bought.  I expected trouble in finding a new version that was as cheap and as good.  I may have found it in Walmart.

We weren't big Walmarters before we moved to this location about 30 years ago.  Walmart has a grocery and produce section and more importantly, it is the closest grocery store to us.  I do quite a bit of buying with Amazon, but I couldn't find what I wanted with them so I tried Walmart online.  I have read that many stores, large and small, have been limited by the intrusion of Amazon into almost any type of sale, and operations like Walmart are getting into online sales.  Online can be more impersonal but more convenient.

I didn't want a plan or a monthly obligation.  The phone I carry in my small pocket is an LG and it has been good.  It does have a game on it but I have never played it.  It has had good coverage.  There was a spot in upper Michigan and one in southern Arizona where I couldn't get a signal but otherwise it has been fine.  I got a cramp in my fingers from being online today so long for the new phone, but now I am connected.  

I prefer to compartmentalize and so I use email with one email address and our home phone landline for just about all business.  That means I have thousands of "minutes" of operation from using our house phone but as months go by, I need to buy more "days".  The days get consumed by the passing of time regardless of the amount of use.  The minutes are a measure of usage.