Saturday, May 7, 2022


We started counting up the places we have lived the other day. We didn't count summer camp or other short term places.  Roughly, if we lived in one place for a month or more, we counted it.  I have a couple of dozen and Lynn has more.  When you think that we have lived in our current residence for nearly 30 years, you can see that our parents and our young selves changed location quite a few times.  

Certainly the number of residences is related to one's age.  If you are only a month old, you can't fit many residences into such a small time but if you are 1,000 months old, you are probably going to have lived in more places.    

It is typical to wonder which place of residence was best.  Which one currently has the sweetest memories?  Of course, one's age matters again since the years since that place or the other place have lessened the immediacy and stripped out some memories.  I have memories of each place - that's why I can recall it.  But I don't know how accurate the memories are nor how they compare with memories of the same location I carried ten years ago.  

I think I have been lucky to have good times everywhere I have lived.  Many of the locations have been in a city.  Much of my childhood, my family or just me used public transportation.  Despite the fact that I have lived in a small city for more than 50 years, I have never been on public transport here.