Information poisoning
Everything in moderation
The essential thought is found in the work of the Greek poet Hesiod (c. 700 bc), 'observe due measure; moderation is best in all things', and of the Roman comic dramatist Plautus (c. 250–184 bc), 'moderation in all things is the best policy.
Moderation in all things - Oxford Reference
Sometimes call the Goldilocks principle: not too hot and not too cold, not too big and not too small - just right.
I wonder if some people, maybe me, too, are subjecting themselves to too much information. When you couple information from all subjects and all locations, as in today's Internet, with the media's need to sell, stand out with alarming information and recitations of murders, destruction, discord and such, it is possible to overdo one's circuits with doubt and despair. Watch more Hallmark movies, cuddle more babies and give posies to your loved ones. Use moderation in that too, or you will just be a pest but seek cheer and comfort appropriately. Ok?
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