Thursday, September 2, 2021

Busy signals and notifications

Sometimes, I call a friend but I get a busy signal.  That means the phone and probably my friend is occupied.  His attention is elsewhere and will not move his attention to me at the moment. The situation seems similar to the nurse telling me that a doctor is busy, occupied with another patient just now and that I must wait or come back another time.  What about that busy signal?

From "For the First Time" blog

For most of early telephone history, calls were completed by young men and women working at the phone company central office, where they used plug-in cords to connect callers to the people and businesses they wanted to communicate with.

Almond Strowger was an undertaker/inventor in Kansas City, MO, who was described as "eccentric, irascible and even mad." He was motivated to invent an automatic telephone system after having trouble with local Bell Telephone operators.

He thought the operators were sending calls to a competitor rather than to his business. The origin of this suspicion reportedly arose from an incident when a friend died and the family contacted a rival undertaker. Other stories claim that the wife or cousin of a competing undertaker was a telephone operator and Strowger suspected that the operators were telling callers that his line was busy or connecting his callers to the competition. Yet another story has him boasting of inventing "the girl-less, cuss-less telephone."

Convinced that callers -- not operators -- should choose who was called, Strowger first conceived his invention in 1888, and patented the automatic telephone exchange in 1891.

The Strowger Automatic Telephone Exchange Company was formed, and it opened its first exchange in La Porte, Indiana in 1892, with about 75 subscribers. One subscriber, Dr. Jerome Rudolph, attempted to call his own office from La Porte Town Hall at the same time his secretary was calling a prescription to a pharmacy, and Dr. Rudolph heard what was apparently history's first busy signal. (Info from Wikipedia & other sources)

It seems that phone and computer companies are interested in notifications these days.  Please give me or my colleagues permission to interrupt what you are doing to tell you that a scam caller would like to inform you about "suspicious activity" he claims to have discovered.  It will only take a minute.  (Sometimes, the word "moment", a less distinction time period, is used instead of "minute".) Oh, and will you give us permission to interrupt the interruption to inform you that it is time to go online and make an appointment with your barber?