You Americans and Your Freedom
I am confident that most of us around here will stand up and salute if there is a call to honor "FREEDOM!". Almost every politician and marketer can rely on doffs of the caps and smiles of agreement and support in support of freedom. I have never lived in a place governed by strict laws or tyranny but from what I have heard and read, I wouldn't like it.
Still, I wonder what sort of freedom I have. I am free to write but I need to be careful not to slander or gossip or imply that I know what I don't. But I am not free to drive too fast or in the wrong direction or lane. I am free to get medical care if I can pay for it. I am free to catch diseases from others and from floating viruses and bacteria.
A professor friend of mine describes explaining to a student from a foreign country rights students had in connection with taking exams. The student said, "You Americans and your freedom!" I am interested in what freedoms we have and what we don't. It seems to me that nature, politeness, consideration of others all limit what I can do. But, they also guide me. Google offers these:
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