Saturday, July 17, 2021

Saluting zipper bags

I am a fan of plastic bags.  Not the ones given to me at checkout cash registers but the zipper bags.  I can see myself as a Boy Scout packing clothes, small items and some food and realizing how much I would have liked to have some pint bags and some quart bags available.  I have read reports of far, far too much plastic in the oceans and microplastics all over.  There is probably a limit to how much humans can use plastic of all kinds, including bags.  I have seen messages about plying things from my cold, dead fingers.  I am not quite that much of a plastic bag fan but do think they are handy for lots of things, especially when dealing with keeping air away or moisture in.

The bags I am thinking of are transparent so I can quickly see what is inside.  Spent batteries of many sizes and shapes, cords and devices that go with those devices, thumb drives, index finger drives (just kidding), crackers that I don't want to wilt, tea bags.  My favorite teas are from Stash and their bags come in sealed foil containers but a box of 100 is too unwieldy, especially given the number of tea varieties we keep on hand.  But a nice sandwich bag with 40 or so bags fits on our tea shelf nicely.

Like anything subject to human imagination, plastic bags can be misused. We saw pictures of large bags filled with gasoline and stashed in a car trunk. Doesn't seem safe at all.