Monday, May 17, 2021

Missing friends

This link brings up previous blog entries in Fear, Fun and Filoz about death.

One link is about Death Valley, which is a little off the subject.  Our good friend, Richard, died in the last few days.  He is the 6th good friend that we did not want to age or die but who did so anyway.  Our close friends that die seem to follow the pattern of being male and leaving their wives behind.  Dr. Sharon Moalem, a geneticist, has a recent book The Better Half about the superiority of the XX chromosome that bestows femininity and many advantages for fighting off infections and living long.  

Losing a friend or partner to death is not fun or jolly.  In addition to fear, confusion and loss, a death that is close to us often brings thoughts of the winding down of our own lives.

Adam lived 930 years. Thus all the days that Adam lived were 930 years, and he died. According to Apocalypsis Mosis, Apocalypsis Mosis (english translation) Adam died first, Eve died six days later.

Who died first? Adam or Eve? - Quora › Who-died-first-Adam-or-Eve

One thing that death can do is encourage the living to appreciate what they have, the friends, the beauty, and the satisfactions.  I hope you have many right at hand and that you savor them.