Saturday, May 8, 2021

Longevity effects

All over the world, people are living to greater ages.  For decades, age has been considered younger or 65-and-older.  We haven't reached the stage where 65 is only half of life but we might.  People are working on it.  So what?  

Here's what: a 65 year old is a different animal from a 95 year old.  That is not surprising when you think about it but for centuries, we haven't had to think about it because so few people ever lived to 95.  It is still rather rare but it is getting more common.

If you follow sports, especially high school and college sport, you already have the idea.  It's probability.  Where there are more throws of the dice, more odd and very odd things can happen.  So, as we get more people alive in the 70's, 80's and beyond, we get more diversity among them.  We get 90 yr old women who run marathons.

As people age, they pick up more knowledge.  In today's world, they communicate more widely and more astutely, what with Google searching and all.  Many older people have acquired more wealth and know what to do with it.  Hold on to your hat!  It is going to be a ride!