Thursday, April 15, 2021

Do you miss your Ex, too?

I miss my ex.  Well, not all of them, just the good ones.  I have dozens.  Of course, I am not talking about marital partners.  I am referring to passwords of the past.  

These days, everything and everybody wants to see my identification.  I read once about Nasruddin, the Muslim jokester, who peered into a nearby mirror when asked to identify himself, and said,"Yes, that is me, all right".  Most identification checks these days involve more steps.  They involve passwords and multiple steps such as entering my user name, entering a password of at least 37 characters (must include upper and lower case English alphabet characters as well as several curses written in Mandarin).  Additional steps often include receiving a 19 character code by carrier pigeon and sending that code to the identification checker.

Over the years, I have created many passwords and I miss some of the better ones.  One of my first passwords was "I love this password since it is so easy to remember it at any time day or night, right?"  But machines and devices these days are set to remember the last fifty passwords used with them so I won't be able to use that baby for the rest of my life.  On television, I often see advanced electronic devices that send a beam into the eye to recognize the pattern of veins in it but I have no experience with that.  A friend had trouble with his fingerprint identification app not working properly.  A Google search turned up information that favored the traditional passwords for better security.

I guess I will just have to continue on with my current password buttressed with my offkey rendition of the Star Spangled Banner.