Communicating with me
I'm a little busy right now. [That's my way of saying "Come back later. Send me an email. Not now.]
I think I know what you are going to say. I think your statement is yet another in a long string of statements that basically say the same thing. OK, I can see by your expression that you don't think you are repeating a popular message but one unique to your thinking and including original remarks and notions.
So, OK, I am swiveling my attention to you, to your channel, to your message. Your statement is front and center and I am concentrating on what you have to say. In fact, I have pen and paper handy and am making notes. I learned that it can be calming and supportive for you if I can repeat back to you a summary of your statement that you accept as a good capture of your message.
It is later now and I have read over my notes and reflected on what you have to say. Despite the heavy hauling of removing my inner barriers and my intuitive feelings that I have heard your message before, after paying strict attention and noting what you say, I find that my original estimate was correct. I have heard your message previously and I have considered it. Then, I tossed it out. I consider it to stand on a surprisingly weak foundation. I would not have guessed that someone with your high intelligence would have subscribed to the viewpoint you expressed. My impulse was to dismiss your message beforehand. I didn't and I listened and considered anew. Now, I can see that was a mistake.
I will keep my notes in case I wish to review your position. In many matters, all either of us can do is bring to bear our best judgment. Neither of us can tell what will serve best in the future. Often, after careful consideration, we don't return to checking which of us had the better idea because we forget about taking the positions we do in favor of considering what we think is best on further questions that pop up at that time.
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