Monday, December 28, 2020


I keep reading negative comments about 2020: it's a garbage year, I hope 2021 is better, closing down things has hurt us, lost jobs, the virus has created fear and death and divided people politically.  The situation has increased online activities and further concentrated business and wealth in a few hands while many people have poor internet.  We are just beginning winter and that further constricts us and robs us of fun and action.  

So, naturally, with all that, the subject of boredom comes up.  I have some posts on the subject that may be of interest:

The Pocket service that comes with using Firefox browser offered the article by Shayla Love from Vox called "How to be bored".  You may already be a very experienced bore-ist and not need any help.  If you want to check Love's ideas, click here:

I have heard that boredom is a serious problem for zookeepers. I am guessing that an expensive animal will live longer and in better health if it isn't bored all the time.  I intend to follow the example of the dogs across the street and chase Lynn around the house.  At our age, we don't go very fast.