Tuesday, August 11, 2020

What a kid should know

Traditionally, marriage is a big step.  Voting is a big step.  Drinking alcohol is a big step.  But, these days, another big step is getting a phone.  Not a flip phone like mine but a modern phone, a smartphone.  

Why is it a big step?  Because it opens the door to bad guys.  It makes my little dear available to people that hurt others.  It makes her vulnerable.  But it also is important, essential even.  It is much like getting a driver's license in that it opens the door to the world, to speed, to strength (look how much the trunk will hold) but cars can kill people and phones can mislead people.  In a similar way, a pocket phone may mean that nasties can taunt, dumb-dumbs can confuse, little liars and big liars can badly mislead.

We seem to have reached a place where it is not easy to tell a child from an adult.  I have read that the French developed the habit of assuming a person who is a parent is an adult, whatever an adult is.  

Let's say an adult is mature.  I know that is something of a fiction and that you have many examples of people who are parents but are not both sensible and sensitive.  Something like a PhD: supposedly a person with a PhD knows what's up and yet there are narrow-minded, small-minded, addicted, overly egotistical, underly modest, overly cocksure, overly cautious, overly self-effacing, unappreciative people with high degrees.  

Still, I wish all grandchildren of a certain age smartphone ownership, a constant usable signal and the right mixture of bravery and caution.  I say "Don't give out information easily or often."  Don't feel bad if you get a message that others dislike you, at least not too bad or for too long a time.  Stay in touch with your parents over issues and questions and check with them.  Over time, you will develop more insight into your business and how to conduct it.