Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Color coordination

I have read that some women can distinguish more colors by eye than the average person.  I see extra spurts of pride in a woman wearing a blouse, earrings, and shoes that all match. I just did a little searching and learned about "tetrachromats", people, more commonly women, who have an extra type of color detection cell in their retinas.

You evidently gain points if the matching color is a more unusual one, some sort of leaf green, say, instead of simple white or black.  I suppose if you come equipped with an extra set of color detection cones, you can zero in on matching teals or rose shades and attain even more impressive heights.

We heard ten years ago that boys tend to be more attracted to games in which there are strongly contrasting colors and girls can be more attracted to subtle shades and more sets of matching colors.  I tend to wonder if we will have to move to a different location if some close-by buildings fail to coordinate their outside walls or rooftops with our house.  We already have to keep our garage door closed to avoid color clashes between our cars and nearby cars or buildings.  We ask those dressed in non-coordinating colors or hues that don't go well with our house to walk by quickly and to use the other side of the street.