Saturday, August 15, 2020

Didn't get to writing

I never got around to writing a blog post yesterday so this is a late posting.  I feel a bit of an obligation to write daily if I can, since it tends to show life and vitality on my part.

We spent some time looking at sofas at an hour of the day when I might normally write something.  I had an afternoon doctor's appointment and we had company over for dinner. We ate in our backyard gazebo which means carrying items out there and taking a little extra time.

We deal with several furniture stores and we only had time to visit two yesterday.  We are both short so we are looking at sofas that are not too deep.  Company who also sit in our living room should not have to be looking over their kneecaps when seated so we need to find the right size for a compromise. We want the right fabric: comfortable, long-lasting and good-looking.

The doctor said my parts are functioning very well but I have to continue taking a blood thinner.  I have a factor in my blood that makes lethal blood clots too likely without the thinner.

We had a fine outdoor dinner of chicken salad, greens and peanut parfait for dessert.