Saturday, July 18, 2020

Good stuffs, Part 2

Yesterday, I mentioned the helpfulness of a connected computer, streaming tv with Roku, meditation. I want to add responding to others, photography with a connected phone or tablet, cooking, walking, biking. Note to friend: mentions come to five today, not three.

I find it helpful to note what comes to mind and write a little about the topics in a blog.  Making a blog in Blogger or WordPress is easy, quick and free.  "Blog" comes from putting "web" as in worldwide web and "log" as in diary or record together.  There are millions of blogs but not that many are added to steadily.  I find it helpful to make notes during the morning and write an entry in the afternoon.  A friend noted how precisely the posts are made each morning and I explained the precision comes from the delayed send feature of Gmail.

I should make a plea for Google, Bing and Duckduckgo, three general search engines.  No matter the problem or question, try searching it, sometimes in several alternatively worded versions to see that others know about the topic.  

The upsetting story of George Floyd would not have had as much effect without cellphone photography.  We find throughout each day that an iPad or a smartphone can make a big difference in communicating.  Devices that can take an immediate picture of high quality and send it to others or to a "cloud" repository change what is possible.  They enable quick dispersal of pictures. Having the high quality camera and rapid posting alerts more of us more often to take pictures and send them out.

Dona Warren on Facebook and others tout their advanced cooking.  Taking turns cooking and doing dishes cuts the load for one and offers a bit of variety.

Some walking helps me stay limber.  I like to go around the neighborhood on a bike, too.