Thursday, March 19, 2020

To-do list

Phone any of that person's phone numbers.  Leave a message when they don't answer. Text them, too.  Send them an email. Learn to blog and to create web pages.  Once you have started a weekly blog (you are too busy for more often than weekly), put a good message on the blog.  Start a web site of your own and put a good message on the site's home page. Take a picture and put it on your new blog, your website and Facebook.  Let specific people you care about know that you are thinking of them and would like to know how they are.  

Here is a good message that Glenna posted, evidently composed by a woman who died in 2013:

And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still.

And listened more deeply.

Some meditated, some prayed, some danced.

Some met their shadows.

And the people began to think differently.

And the people healed.

And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal.

And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed.

Or, for less sugar and more pepper, check out Calvin, the model of good behavior: