Sunday, March 15, 2020

Learning not to age unnecessarily

I recently turned 80.  I have been writing this blog long enough that I have posts from when I had recently turned 70.  Both of those numbers sound quite elderly and I was wondering what I was writing about after the last decade change.  I don't mind leaving this life but my wife and relatives and friends want me to stay around for a while yet. Besides that, I am interested in how much my habits and accustomed thinking may contribute to my getting more limited and decrepit.  

I looked at the post for March 14 a decade ago:

The post mentioned two books that were of interest then:

Charlotte Joko Beck's "Everyday Zen"

Christopher Germer's "The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion"

One of several nice things about reading Kindle books is that it is easy to collect a file of highlights and notes.  The file stays with the book indefinitely on the Amazon computers and it can be sent at any time to the customer's email address.  Sometimes, a book is so gripping that I forget to make highlights but both of these books had files associated with them.  

From Germer, a psychiatrist, and others, I have learned to quiet negative remarks to myself about my failures and faults.  From several of Beck's books, I have read good language and good ideas.

Here are links to the files of highlights:

C.J. Beck's "Everyday Zen"

C. Germer's "The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion"