Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Pain of Distance and Opportunity

I know of two friends whose children live abroad.  Both found work there that seemed attractive and both moved out of the US.  When we travel with oldsters our age, we often hear how unusual it is to have children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren all living close by.  

When young people graduate from high school, they often plan on further education.  They may study colleges, universities and technical schools for their scholarships, graduation and placements records, and reputation.  I haven't heard much about foreign schools asking American students to come join them but I imagine that is already happening in different places.  

I did quite a bit of distance education and online teaching.  I have been told that many post-secondary education institutions are trying to grow their online offerings.  I have been retired for 15 years but even before that, I had students in foreign countries using the internet or other tools to be a student outside of our classroom.  The Netflix movie "Marriage Story" is about a modern young couple with split job aims. One of them needs the California film scene and the other one needs the Broadway opportunities.  

There may indeed come opportunities that one would be foolish to ignore but to me, the bond between two people can be far more important than career or location.