Still going strong
Dale Carnegie published "How to Win Friends and Influence People" in 1936. publishes four charts each week, showing the most purchased and the most read of the books they sell.
The charts show fiction and nonfiction and include the number of weeks a book has been on the charts and some information about the books.
I have written about the Amazon Charts before:
I am only writing now to highlight "How to Win Friends." Many of the books listed have been published quite recently. So, to have a book on the lists for 144 weeks sixty-five years after death is quite a feat. How to Win Friends is one of the most famous self-help books ever published. It has sold over 15 million copies and was listed as #19 on Time magazine's list of the most influential books ever.
Self-help books sometimes get a poor reputation as lightweight, unscientific, obvious but in other cases, they are a real asset. I am a fan of Kindle books but many editions of "How to Win Friends" cost $10-15 dollars and I didn't want to spend that. I wanted to get an idea of what the book said and I found the local libraries have copies or access to copies of it but I didn't want to wait until previous holds on the book allowed me to finally get a copy, including e-copies.
Many non-fiction books have summaries that are shorter and cheaper than the original volume.
From a summary that was free to Kindle Prime users:
Rule 1 - Don't condemn, criticize or complain
Rule 2 - Be appreciative
Ruie 3 - Help others see how to satisfy their wants
Growth Digest, The. Summary and Discussions of How to Win Friends & Influence People By Dale Carnegie (p. 5). Kindle Edition.
In today's US, we could certainly aim at criticizing less. Being appreciative of life as well as of other people makes tons of sense.
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