Saturday, February 15, 2020

Visiting Cuba

When we read that Cuba has slow and spotty internet, I thought a visit there would be a good exercise for me personally in disconnection.  It could be good for me to not Google every other thought. As you might expect, not having access to a version of the world library after being used to using it develops hunger, curiosity and even grouchiness.  I remember using various slow equipment and spotty connection and I thought I would spare myself disappointment and rage.  

Reading "Incognito" by Eagleman was very helpful in seeing that impulses and desires and routines guide me much of the time but that sometimes, I can decide on a course of behavior and stick to it.  I did not take a computer or tablet with me for the two weeks and pridefully patted myself on the back until my elbow got tired to that stretch. Naturally, when you go with a group of lively thoughtful people as Road Scholar/Elderhostel provides, you hear of books being read and some digested years ago.  I tried several times to connect both to my Kindle archive and to the Amazon Kindle store but never did.  

I think I could have connected but it is getting so that my name, my email address, and my willingness to buy things are more valuable than greenbacks and coins.  I spent last evening getting rid of 800 emails that accumulated in my inbox and I was reluctant to tax my aging brain with more information about amazing deals and low prices that will only be in force for the next five minutes.  I would have broken my plan to be disconnected at times in order to at least read descriptions of certain books that others mentioned but requests for indentification information stopped me.

We met three Cuban professors on our trip.  They had been lined up to discuss Cuban politics, architecture (and history) and music (and history).  The first man stated that we current humans spend our lives dealing with symbols and I recognized the statement definitely applies to me.  I was fully prepared to deeply rejoice when I was back in the land of a better signal, easy to use equipment and connection. I am doing that now, with gratitude.