Last week I polished my everyday shoes
They really needed it. I was once a guy who kept his shoes polished but not now. Tough weather makes my shoes look rather bad quickly. Once they look rather bad, they don't get much worse. So, leaving them bad looking is economical even though it is not good for my reputation as a clothes model.
I had been noting the need to polish them every day on a To-Do list and finally got to it. I should have used a card table or something elevated. Sitting on the floor with more or less straight legs required unusual bending and stressing my back. It has been hurting since then.
I am tired of using a heating pad, even though I am healing slowly. Just to check what I have been doing, I paid a visit to Physical Therapy today. I was prescribed five exercises, one of which I have regularly done before. Now, I am to do a piriformis stretch, a hamstring stretch, side-ways walking, standing on a slant board and doing a yoga-type bridge. I had similar problems in 2010 and since as described here
(I put the link in but not as a link in an attempt to avoid tripping spam sensors.) Just about everything I am to do relates to loosening my tendons and increasing my flexibility while trying not to irritate my sciatic nerves. I have purchased a 15 minute hourglass to use to time myself out of my chair and standing more.
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