Friday, September 20, 2019

Surprise talk

I expected to listen to a young professor talk about meditation, but she thought it was scheduled for another day and time.  My friend said he thought I was a meditator and I am. I have given talks about the subject before and the group had assembled so I started in.  There are many posts in this blog about the subject. To find them, I would go to the web page for the blog, fearfunandfiloz and use the search window in the upper left of the page

But a search in front of a waiting audience, exploring which results pertain, that takes too long.  I remembered I had organized web pages on the subject on my website  I copied the address in small red letters above and pasted it into a new browser page.

I brought up this page and left it up.  I emphasized that meditation is so simple that no one does it.  It's too easy. Something that easy can't matter. It can and it does.  Just set a timer for 5 minutes and sit still and keep your attention on a point you can see or on your breath.  It doesn't have to be a big breath or a deep breath, just breath deliberately and consciously. Your mind is built to run off to other subjects. When you realize that it has, you have reached the Golden Training Moment!  Just shelf the intrusion and return to that lovely breath. Do that once a day for 30 days and you will be calm and loving as Jesus or the Dalai Lama! You will love others and delight in them. You will float through life on a cloud, harp optional. Side benefit: you will find yourself to be hilarious several times a day.