I get about 30 emails a day and about 6 of them matter to me. I am working on improving my skills in ignoring. It's not easy since fine minds are earning big dollars crafting messages that aim at my attention.
World ends soon! Buy our corn chips now!
We have your number. Here, Lucky Fellow, is ours.
You are being watched. Buy our corn chips now!
World supply of lower prices, exclamation points, dire warnings depleted!!!
I can recall my mother instructing me to pay no attention to the street hustler. I remember the moment when the Great Wizard Oz tells Dorothy and her unusual set of companions,"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."
Gmail has a handy feature that enables me to select all unopened messages and delete the batch. Sometimes it is a bit of a challenge to delete messages that seem to have maybe a little redeeming value. Many of the messages I delete could be of interest if they were the only thing around. But often, I am just not in the mood. I can tell that some other time, I might be but by then, other things will call. I tell myself that I ought to be able to look down the list and delete each item that doesn't appeal. I guess I like to have a second chance to look at, or actually read, what is sent.
Amazon Prime movies now have previews of other shows in front of the show I am trying to watch. Sometimes there is an option to jump the intruder by clicking on Skip Intro but lately when I run forward at double or triple speed, I come back to the spot where I was when I return to normal speed.
Whether it is advertising or school lessons, I can understand the desire to demand eyes and attention HERE and nowhere else. Still, the minds can roam and it is very difficult to convince an outside observer that the chosen target, text, view or speaker is THE best place for the attention of others.
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