Saturday, September 7, 2019

Wordpress version begun

My blog is hosted by Blogger, a Google blogging service.  It is free, even though it appears all over the world. Generally, I don't have many readers.  It is not possible to tell who actually READS my posts and who merely brings them up on the screen and immediately goes on to something else.  In blogging language, bringing my post up on your screen is called a pageview. You viewed or could have viewed the blog page, had you been paying attention.  

Without especially trying, I found that an alternative to Blogger is WordPress.  Some fine blogs are hosted on that service. WordPress is one of those brand names that is a bit of a puzzle because of a space.  One of the best books I have ever seen on the history of reading and books is "Space Between Words" by Paul Saenger. I have dipped into that book several times but I have got to get around to reading it seriously sometime.  Back when all writing was by hand, I guess all writing wasdonelikethis, I guess for the simple reason there was no custom of separating words with spaces.  Saenger says that Irish monks starting spacing between words about 700 AD and that enabled rapid silent reading.  I looked up "word press" just now and Google Search asked "do you mean: wordpress" and proceeded to show me links labeled wordpress with no space. So, I guess the official name has no space.

I heard it was free but I found that there are several levels from free to more expensive.  Since there is a free level, I started a more or less parallel blog in Wordpress. I planned to post the same words I use on this blog but in order to distinguish the two, the Wordpress version is called "Fears and Fun".  Here is a link:

I thought at first that I would simply explore their interface, coding and options to see how it all compared with using Blogger.  Most recently, I got the idea of posting a listing of recent Fear, Fun and Filoz posts. I have many emails I am not interested in and most of my friends do, too.  Perhaps, a weekly summary would be of interest.