Saturday, June 8, 2019


More than 50 years ago today, we moved to Wisconsin from the East Coast.  It was for my job but it was a big deal. Lynn had lived in small and smallish towns before but I hadn't.  I did visit this town of 25,000 before for a job interview and to see what I thought. I had heard that one of the fathers of Gestalt psychology had moved to a small American town and subsequently had a good career. We were both pleased with the atmosphere of the town and we still are.  When Lynn got her PhD, she took a job in another university town and we moved there. But later, we moved back to Point.

When we moved here, we had two young daughters.  Now we have great grandchildren. There is often the complaint that there is nothing to do, but not often in a college town.  Some places are said to "roll up the sidewalks" at 7 PM or 10 PM. We had a German college student stay with us a few years ago and he was disappointed that our few late-night establishments closed at 2 AM.  He was used to such places closing at 4 AM. However, we have never been enthusiastic night-owls. Besides, times have changed. As a recent letter from Chester Basin, Nova Scotia to the New Yorker emphasized, with smartphones, internet, iPads and streaming, many locations have an unending supply of things to do.  

When we have relocated temporarily for a vacation from winter, it doesn't take long being away before we miss our local friends.  When you have accumulated five decades in a place, it tends to become home. With parents gone and childhood and college friends scattered, there is less reason to travel.